Starved of ideas to landscape your front yard and have some trees in your compound? Worry no more there is actually so much that you can do with trees in your yard especially if they are so grown with big roots around them. This text discusses some of the most practical and proven ways of landscaping around trees roots to give your yard the best and most standout appearance capable of turning your average home into something great and most valuable with a great resale value.
Plant Some Flowers around the Roots of the Tree
Using the roots of your tree to landscape your home and improve its appearance does not need to be complicated; there are simple ways you can use to go about this. For instance, depending on the size of the roots of the tree and the location, you can plant flowers in between with the view of making the whole area to stand out with beauty.

There are so many flowers that you can pick and use for this purpose. For instance, if the tree in your yard is a flowering tree with white flowers then you can plant red or yellow flowers below it at the roots to give it the best flower colour contrast.
Build a Retaining Wall around the Tree Roots
Building a retaining wall around the roots of trees in your garden is another sure way of giving your garden a striking appearance. A retaining wall around the roots of a tree in your yard will give your garden some rare uniformity that will elevate its beauty and appeal to a whole new level.

If you have more than one tree in your garden it is even better. Build retaining walls around these roots will give your home and yard some uniformity and also hide the roots from site which is literally a case of killing two birds with one stone.
Design a Deck and a Patio around the Tree Roots
If trees can grow around homes then they can grow around your outdoor living space as well. Construct a deck and patio around the roots of your trees to give them something unique and add to the beauty of your compound.

There are so many designs that you can choose from for this purpose that depends on the size of the tree you want to decorate, the size of roots and other details.
Plant a Succulent Garden around the Roots
Even though most succulent plants prefer sunlight, overexposure to sunlight might burn these plants and reduce their life significantly.

However, with the cover of the shade provided by the tree, these plants can stay protected and live for a much longer period of time giving your yard some much needed beauty while at the same time covering the gaps which exists between roots.
When it comes to front yard landscaping, there are so many ideas that you can use to go about this process. One of them is working around with the roots of the trees in your yard, landscaping them so well to stand out and add some much needed appeal to you curb.