How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in Kitchen

How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in KitchenTiny ants in the kitchen are a definite source of annoying nuisance. They mess up your mood and your kitchen stuff as well when they invade in large numbers. With tiny ants in your kitchen, you cannot leave your food open, water open and you would not even wish to see a friend of yours access the kitchen since that can result in great embarrassment and frustration.

Getting rid of these tiny beings is definitely the way to go but how exactly do you do that. Small ants are not easy to chase and deal with since they hid in tiny places making finding them somehow difficult in a way.  Therefore, if you wish to get rid of small ants from your kitchen you need to find a proven and effective means of going about this issue.  There are many ways of dealing with ants in the kitchen like the flowing:

Store Your Food Appropriately

Instead of looking into how to deal with small ants, look for ways of avoiding or preventing ants from getting into your kitchen. Small ants do not just come to your kitchen from nowhere; they are often attracted to the kitchen by some things.  These things can vary from the smell of food to poor hygiene.

In fact, hygiene is the biggest cause of small tiny ants in the kitchen.  Thus, if you are one of those people who believe in prevention rather than cure than storing your food appropriately is an option you need to consider seriously if you are to deal with small ants in your kitchen.  Store your food in the right way and it will definitely help you avoid getting tiny ants in your kitchen.

Clean Your Kitchen Properly

Hygiene and tiny ants in the kitchen go hand in hand.  Poor hygiene in the kitchen is the surest way of getting ants into your kitchen while good kitchen hygiene is the surest way of keeping tiny ants from your kitchen.  Clean your kitchen accordingly and if possible get rid of any moisture areas in your kitchen which might provide shelter for the ants.

Remember, tiny ants do not just come into your kitchen for no reason; they come in looking for food or shelter. Thus, denying these two vital survival things will definitely keep ants away from your kitchen.

 Use Borax Accordingly

Sometimes all you need to do to keep tiny ants from your kitchen is deal with them ruthlessly.  Here, the use of borax comes in handy.  By using borax, you will be able to get rid of the entire rid of small ants in your kitchen and not just that but get rid of them for good.

This approach is preferred in areas or in kitchens with high populations of ants. It helps to deal with them effectively though the approach is not always preferred due to its environmental footprints and impacts.  Remember, small ants play an important role in the ecosystem and must be allowed to continue playing these important roles  Thus, when you have small ants in the kitchen focus on getting rid of them rather than eliminating them which might have some consequences on the environment.


Small ants can be a big problem and cause of concerns when they invade your kitchen in their large numbers. When this problem befalls you, find a way of dealing with it effectively without necessarily having to eliminate these tiny creatures.

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